Monday, August 20, 2012

Cancer - We Know the Cause and the Cure

Cancer - We Know the Cause and the Cure

One has to wonder why after the billions of Dollars put into research and developMent of cancer treatMents it is reported that you have a higher chance of getting cancer today than you did in 1950. As a matter of fact if you are diagnosed with cancer today your chances of survival are what they were in 1950, in a lot of cases, most in fact.

Cancer - We Know the Cause and the Cure

Cancer - We Know the Cause and the Cure

Cancer - We Know the Cause and the Cure

Cancer - We Know the Cause and the Cure

Cancer - We Know the Cause and the Cure

Our health care system and our government have been lying and misleading the public about the effectiveness of the traditional medical treatment for cancer. Chemotherapy, drugs, surgery, and radiation are the most profitable health industry services and products on planet. There is more profit in the treatment of cancer than any other disease. Most of us have no idea what a big business this is. Some families make billions of Dollars a year in profits from treating cancer. When we say treating cancer that’s exactly what is meant. There is much less profit in curing it. Think if we cured cancer now so that cancer were eradicated from the planet trillions of Dollars would be lost! And the treatments are government mandated. So those at the top of this economic pyramid would rather you had cancer than not. You are forced to treat it in the manner that makes money for those who profit from disease. And that is obviously true since they actively keep alternative cures off the market or make it very difficult to provide and to choose an alternative method to cure cancer.

With any disease if you find the cause then the cure follows. So, then what is the cause of cancer? Researchers tell us that we don’t know the cause. That is just not true. According to “Natural Cures They Don’t Want You To Know About”, by Kevin Trudeaux, “The causes of cancer are known at the highest levels of the health industry, and this information is being suppressed and hidden from the American public. This is exactly the same situation that occurred with big tobacco and with Ford and General Motors. Big tobacco knew as early as 1950 that their product caused cancer and disease. They lied about this to the American public, and even in congressional hearings. They hid the truth. Ford and General Motors knew that some of their products, including the Pinto and CorvAir, would cause people to be maimed, deformed, injured, and die. They hid this information and lied about it. Today, the Ph Meter, which is used to identify various toxins in Food and products and ourselves. She has also developed a device called the zapper which kills the parasites in the body.

From the book "The Cure for all Diseases." Before contents, by Dr. Hulda Clark, and also available at or .
“You may not have time to read this enTire book first if you have cancer and are scheduled for surgery, chemotherapy or radiation treatment. You may wish to skip the first pages which describe how cancer develops.

Go directly to the cancer curing recipe and order your Supplies. Using the herbal recipe together with the zapper is best. It only takes days to be cured of cancer regardless of the type you have. It does not matter how far progressed the cancer is, you can still stop it in 5 days.

After you have stopped the cancer, you can turn your attention to getting well. Read the case histories to see how easy it is to stop even terminal cancer. Learn from them to avoid mistakes.

Does this mean you can cancel your date for surgery, radiation or chemotherapy? YES! After curing your cancer with this recipe it cannot come back. This is not a treatment for cancer: It is a cure! But if you do not wish to make your doctor angry, you could follow her or his wishes, too. Be careful not to lose any vital anatomical parts in surgery though, because you may need them later when you are healthy!

Remember that oncologists are kind, sensitive, compassionate people. They want the best for you. They have no way of knowing about the true cause and cure of cancer since it has not been published for them. I chose to publish it for you first so that it would come to your attention Faster.”

From the book "The Cure for all Diseases." After cover.
Different solvents accumulate in different organs, in the liver, Isopropyl alcohol, which completes the life cycle of Fasciolopsis, intestinal fluke. This begins the malignant process.

From the book Cure For All Diseases, also available at

…The killing of all parasites and their larval sTAGes together with removal of isopropyl alcohol and carcinogens from the patients' lifestyle results in remarkable recovery, generally noticeable in less than one week. Cancer could be eradicated in a very short time…

The success rate for advanced cancer is about 95%. So you can count on this method, not merely hope it will work for you. It is a total approach that not only shrinks tumors, but also normalizes your blood chemistry, lowers your cancer markers, and returns your health. The small failure rate (5%) is due to clinical emergencies that beset the advanced cancer sufferer. However, if you combine the advice in this book with access to hospital care, even "hopeless" patients can gain the time necessary to become well again.

The promise

Step into a new world a world without chronic diseases. Step out of your old world. It has kept you a prisoner. Try something new.

The prison has no walls. It has only lines; Lines that mark the ground around you. Inside the lines are your old ideas. Outside are new ideas that invite you to step over and escape your prison. Dare to try these new ideas and your illness promises to recede. In a few weeks it can be gone.

From the book "The Cure for all Diseases." Page 1.

I highly recommend any of Dr. Clark’s books. They are remarkable and once you read them I believe you to will be convinced that the cause and the cure are now readily available and very affordable. In the Cure for All Diseases you will find cures for cancer, diabetes, MS, and many, many others it is a book I would not want to be without. If you already have cancer you might want to also pick up The Cure for All Cancers, and or the Cure for All Advanced Cancers.

Cancer - We Know the Cause and the Cure