Friday, March 30, 2012

The One Minute Cure-Is There Any Truth Behind Hydrogen Peroxide Therapy and the One Minute Cure?

The One Minute Cure-Is There Any Truth Behind Hydrogen Peroxide Therapy and the One Minute Cure?

The practice of Oxygen Therapy Ingested to cure disease as described in the "One Minute Cure", may after all be a well grounded theory. Although levels of oxygen in our atmosphere have remained pretty constant over millennia, our modern way of life could mean less oxygen is entering our bodies. The World Health Organisation has stated that up to 2 million deaths a year are probably due to Air pollution.

The One Minute Cure-Is There Any Truth Behind Hydrogen Peroxide Therapy and the One Minute Cure?

The One Minute Cure-Is There Any Truth Behind Hydrogen Peroxide Therapy and the One Minute Cure?

The One Minute Cure-Is There Any Truth Behind Hydrogen Peroxide Therapy and the One Minute Cure?

The One Minute Cure-Is There Any Truth Behind Hydrogen Peroxide Therapy and the One Minute Cure?

The One Minute Cure-Is There Any Truth Behind Hydrogen Peroxide Therapy and the One Minute Cure?

It is known that Sulphur dioxide can cause broncho-constriction and nitrogen dioxide damages the lining of Airways contributing to the reduction of oxygen intake. Further, carbon monoxide lowers the ability of blood to carry oxygen. Is it any wonder our health suffers collarbo as a consequence. And, it doesn't stop there. Pollution may not be the only reason why welack oxygen intake! Drinking chlorinated water and eating processed Foods can also mean a reduction in oxygen intake. Foods packaged by nature are a far cry from the dead and lifeless Foods served up by the Food industry. Vitamins and minerals are not the only things we deprive ourselves of, when we resort to manufactured goods!

Unsaturated fatty acids are essential for the cellular utilization of oxygen. However, their limited shelf-life has given the food industry plenty of reason to favour synthetic fats and other less healthy processes like hydrogenation. The increasing tendency for unrestrained antibiotic use not only kills bad bacteria but also the beneficial oxygen producing bacteria. An interesting fact to note is that cancer cells thrive in low oxygen environMents. In fact,scientists have shown that the treatMent of certain cancers and tumors can be greatly enhanced if they increase the concentration of oxygen in and around where the cancer is located!

Several of the most common ailments facing westerners today are directly related to oxygen starvation. Asthma, emphysema and lung disease are all on the rise! Given the above, it doesn't take too much imagination to understand why ingested oxygen therapy using food grade Hydrogen Peroxide (which does occur naturally in the body) might actually work as claimed in the one minute cure. Perhaps we really are being misled by the medical establishment?

The One Minute Cure-Is There Any Truth Behind Hydrogen Peroxide Therapy and the One Minute Cure?